Firstborn of the astrological year, they are fiery beings with life-force energy that can be felt when Spring arrives.
March 20, 2021 – April 19, 2021
Aries Gemstone: Diamond
Ruling Planet: Mars
Sign quality: Cardinal
Symbol: The Ram
House: First
Tarot Card: The Emperor
Mantra: I Am Patient
Aries is an exciting Fire sign as it signifies the new Astrological year which kicks off the Spring season but also coincides with the Spring Equinox when the Sun enters Aries, the first Sign of the Zodiacs. Filled with fiery energy, the beginning of the Aries season is always dynamic and full of energy. Aries are often rushing and aiming to get things done quickly so they can jump immediately onto the next task. Aries is symbolised by the Ram and represents the energy of Spring and the power of initiation. The seeds of Winter now eagerly sprout and begin their life’s journey toward fruition.
Ruled by energetic Mars the Roman God of War, also the planet of willpower, energy, and strength. This makes the Cardinal Fire sign very active, eager, restless, headstrong, and at times impetuous, contentious, reckless, and known for an explosive temper but those outbursts never last too long once they have cooled off. Otherwise, these bold rams are upbeat, positive, and playful and enjoy living life to the fullest. Like their fellow fire signs (Leo and Sagittarius) they are passionate, motivated, confident, trailblazing leaders that can build a community with their cheery disposition. If you want to get something new started, Aries is the time to act.
An Aries is typically well-organised, perfectly complementing their attitude to start first and finish first. You will often see an Aries taking on multiple tasks all at once and many can jump from one task to another with ease. Because of this, Aries tend to get frustrated when working alongside people who cannot keep up with their pace and may lose their patience or get frustrated. An Aries with a particularly strong personality can be prone to lashing out at others without meaning to be hurtful.
Despite their goal-oriented and serious nature, Aries are known for their infectious happiness that manifests when paired up with others that share their passion and this can reflect in teamwork or in romance.
This high energy that they have will stay with an Aries throughout their life coupled with a certain charisma that often draws others towards them. Aries love to talk, tell stories, and share their experiences so often you see them chatting away with their colleague or stranger on the street.
If you find modest and delicate Aries, they are more than likely to have gone through a life-changing experience as it’s not easy to mellow an Aries’ bold and blunt nature as they are typically straight to the point kind of people.
Aries are symbolised by the Ram, meaning they can be hard-headed and insist others see things as they do. A quality that can lead to conflict if they let themselves get carried away. However, their boundless energy and fearlessness make them great leaders and if you’re having trouble getting started on any big projects, partnering up with an Aries will kick you off strong as Aries has a natural gift of riling up morale and confidence through sheer willpower.
As a Fire Sign, Aries are very physical people and can get antsy if they stay still for too long. They love to travel and have friends from diverse backgrounds and differing personalities, as they are fascinated and appreciative of the many different flavors and cultures that life has to offer. Aries have a direct nature and refreshing honesty that will attract many acquaintances and forge strong long-term bonds with close friends that share in their wild adventures.
The recommended stones for Aries include Bloodstone, Aquamarine, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Emerald, and Carnelian.
little focus on Citrine it represents the Solar Plexus, Sacral & Root Chakras.
Citrine is a beautiful quartz stone that comes in different hues of yellow, ranging from faded yellows to rich golden-honey colours which help to soothe the fiery Aires. Citrine has powerful effects on wealth and career success, so placing it around key points in your home will magnify its positive energy. Citrine is self cleansing and eliminates negative energy so having a lot around makes a clear impact.
Citrine isn't all about encouraging prosperity and financial success; it is also well known to attract love and happiness. Citrine is also the crystal of choice for improving interpersonal relationships and smoothing over issues with families or team members -making it especially useful for Aries who, at times, can have an overwhelming and headstrong personality.
In the shop, we have available necklaces that are made from Jasper Bloodstone, Aquamarine, and Citrine