Lions Gate Portal 2023
Welcome to The Lions Gate Portal of 2023, an astrological event that happens once a year. A relatively new celestial event that brings hope and power to our intentions.
Read more to find out what this means for you and how you can work and co-create in a Cosmic dance of alignment with the Universe.
This magical portal is believed to occur every year from July 26th through August 12th, when the Sun in Leo aligns with the star Sirius, Orin's Belt, and our Earth. Its energetic potency is believed to “peak” on the 8th of August.
However, I believe it’s not so specific as each year will vary when the heliacal rising of Sirius and is visible. It also depends on the latitude and longitude so the term “peak” for such a celestial event will vary each year…I am not an expert on mathematical Visibility but the heliacal rising of Sirius this year occurs on the 14th of August thus extending the time of The Lions Gate Portal.
The Lions Gate Portal dates back to Ancient Egyptian cosmology when it is believed that the first day of the heliacal rising, of the star Sirius would become visible in the east in the light of dawn. This cosmic occurrence would occur in mid-August and it would signify the annual flooding of the Nile.
This was a warm welcomed natural event as it would signify to those living near the area that the harvest season would arrive soon and thus the soil would be fertile and ready for farming.
In modern times this celestial event has slightly been bypassed and taken away from its original origins and is used now for opening up the “galactic gates of your manifestations”, which is a brilliant and beautiful way to honour its magic. But rather than getting caught up on one specific day, we should enjoy this whole time period to focus and reevaluate what we would like to bring our awareness and intentions we would like to give birth to.
Understanding the history or lineage of celestial events can help and empower us by checking in and honouring if they resonate with us or perhaps it’s a hype that’s not your vibe and that’s okay too.
Sometimes we impose pressure on ourselves to be showing up for all things Spiritual even if we don’t completely understand the history or the meaning behind certain aspects, or we see a lot of hype all over social media and feel “less than” if we don’t participate. But remember Spirituality looks different for everyone, everyone’s practice is unique to them so we shouldn’t compare and own our uniqueness.
If you feel aligned with The Lions Gate Portal, personally for a week now I’ve had a few new Spiritual insights going on and very much feel a growing connection to Ancient Egyptian Cosmology, so please read below for a few ways to honour this time. Remember it’s all about intention and belief.
Connecting to your Spiritual Side:
Use this time to tap and delve deeper into your Spirituality by mediating, candle magic (it’s Leo season after all), yoga, dancing moving that energy around, going for healings, and journaling whatever is coming up for you.
Connect to water to help you cool off and feel the calming waters soothe all this intense fire energy
Be open to receiving new downloads from Spirit and connecting to your guides, their presence will be stronger around this time.
Practice gratitude by writing down three things daily you're grateful for in the morning or evening. Whatever works for you, this is your practice and you have to make it work for you. A grateful heart and mind remind you of all the wonderful things you have and open up the opportunity to receive more.
Getting clear on your direction and path, checking in, and seeing if you’re on the right path of what you’re working towards.
Most of all enjoy this potent portal and allow yourself to bask in its light and power, shining a light within you.
Much love and gratitude,
Assunta x