The Scorpio whose interest in the mysteries of life helps us to uncover and understand the depths of our inner worlds.
Often a dark night of the soul helps us to create a better understanding of ourselves before we head into the hibernation of Winter.
Dates: October 23rd - November 21st
Ruling Planets: Pluto, Mars
Symbol: Scorpion, Snake (Serpent), Eagle, Phoenix
Element: Water
Sign Quality: Fixed
Tarot card: Death
Mantra: My Desires Are Valid
Chakra: Sacral
Crystal: Golden Yellow Topaz, Turquoise
From October 23rd to November 21st the Sun is in Scorpio. Scorpio’s symbol is commonly known as the scorpion however, the scorpion can travel throughout its life and go through phases of death and rebirth meaning the snake/serpent, eagle, and phoenix are other animals related to Scorpio. Ruled by Pluto Scorpio is full of mystery and fiery energy, which is why it is often mistaken as a fire sign when it's actually a fixed water sign.
Scorpio's primary planetary ruler is Pluto, originally ruled by Mars.
Now, Scorpios are an interesting sign as through their various stages a Scorpio can transition throughout their life. The Scorpio symbol, the scorpion generally reflects the first stages of the Scorpio - a small creature crawling and lashing out with its venomous stinger when feeling threatened. The snake/ serpent reflects the versatility and change that is associated with this sign - the shedding of its skin/layers whilst also representing the charming (and even manipulative) aspect to keep danger away and protect itself. The Eagle Scorpio represents the loyalty that makes for trustworthy mates who are always rising above to see the big picture. Even as a confident and higher beings, eagles are still swift predators. Now the final stage of a Scorpio can be the Phoenix which is the most evolved and Spiritual aspect of the Scorpio. Most Scorpios only reach this stage after a monumental life shift or a deep personal loss. In the same way that a phoenix is reborn from ash, so, too, are these Scorpios - this is a mixture of the scorpion's power, the snake/serpent's adaptability to change, and the eagle's big-picture mindset.
Scorpios are known to be very intuitive, a quality that most water signs share. However, their energy can also sometimes feel overbearing and dominating, something that is attributed to the sign’s desire to hold power and control. While often seen as negative, traits it is what actually makes Scorpios succeed at most of their ventures, and what makes them such great leaders, - they are natural-born strategists.
Passionate, hardworking, and persistent, Scorpios are loved for their incredible work ethic and their bravery. Scorpios won’t cower in the face of adversity, they use their strategic ways to find a way out of difficult situations.
Scorpios are often misunderstood because of their sign and while they do tend to be calculating at times, they are some of the most loyal people you’ll ever meet. Scorpios make for great friends, having a Scorpio on your side is definitely wonderful. They will defend you no matter what and you can be sure to get some of the best advice from a Scorpio friend or family member. However, you do not want to make an enemy out of a Scorpio, as they tend to “sting” when you least expect it if they feel like they have been betrayed in some way. Scorpios value loyalty and the truth above all else. They will find out the truth no matter the cost.
While Scorpios are mysterious, they often tend to display a very calm and collected demeanour, which makes it difficult for others to read their minds. Some people see Scorpios as puzzling, secretive people as they don’t often show their hand, especially to those who aren’t part of their inner circle.
Scorpio’s deep passion doesn’t just apply to their work, it also applies to their romantic relationships. They make for great partners as they are intuitive and empathic, however, they do have a tendency to be suspicious and jealous at times, as loyalty is a top value of their belief systems.
While they tend to be regarded as mysterious by some people, Scorpios are actually very sociable and find it easy to make friends, this could be due to their persuasiveness and easy charm to lure you in.
On their good days, Scorpios are full of energy and are easy to get along with, but they do have days where they suffer from clouded judgment and tend to be suspicious of the people around them.
For yourself or the fellow Scorpion in your life, we recommend the following crystal to support you.
Golden Yellow Topaz, sometimes referred to as Imperial Topaz, is a stone that has been revered for thousands of years because of its beautiful golden colour. It is one of the primary birthstones for Scorpio and also one of the two birthstones for the month of November.