Mercury retrograde in taurus
Mercury Retrograde April 2023
On Friday 21st of April, Mercury (Hermes) - Messenger of the Gods is traveling to mix things up through May 14th. He is the communicator of the underworld, communicating between realms of the mortal and immortal, communicating between the Gods and humans.
He is known for causing some mischief regarding communication, technology, travel, and contracts and we often have an ex-pop back (NO, honey, NO) into our lives seemingly out of nowhere (as I type this up my keyboard is acting up).
Mercury is an inner planet and moves faster within the solar system, this allows us to feel his presence more often as there are often retrogrades three-four times a year. These retrogrades are caused by a slowing down movement that feels like it’s going backward. We often find this presence a little challenging, however, knowing what to expect and accepting it’s a time to slow down helps. Using the time for reflection and going inwards, perhaps finding that inner knowledge that is within your underworlds and bringing them to life.
Using the energy of Mercury Retrograde is powerful, rather than pushing forward and doing, surrender (much easier said than done) and go within, focus on details, admin tasks, and connect to your creativity rather than pushing forward.
The day before we also have the second New Moon in Aries combined with a Solar Eclipse…talk about chaotic energies! Expecting the unexpected is key, connecting to your intuition is heightened as Hermes is at work merging both worlds allowing us to tap into our intuition and higher senses. Inner work is also key this time as we have old emotions, or energies that we are holding onto, and during this time if they often surface so we can heal them.
This Mercury Retrograde is in the Earthly sign of Taurus, which means the themes we can expect are associated with Taurus. Think about finances, values, possessions, and your basic needs. You may experience financial setbacks, stress out about your physical or emotional security, or struggle to keep track of your stuff.
Collectively watch this space in regards to big banks, we may see more corruption coming to light, and more paradigms changing, Remember Pluto is still mixing it up between Aquarius and Capricorn until stationing in Aquarius next year.
BUT for all things associated with astrology or the tarot, nothing is “bad” or “good”…it’s neutral. We often lose focus of this (me included) as we focus on “good” and “bad” things. So the flip side to this is that you may become aware of your spending habits, how you can change them, come up with a savings plan, or perhaps connect with your emotions more rather than suppressing them.
Remember to back up your computer, look over all details, try to avoid making travel plans, and ensure you are grounding yourself to keep your feet on the earthly plane. If things do get delayed or seem to not be going the way you wish, simply take a break, rest, and see how it could be done differently or surrender for now. Allowing things to unfold as they will.
Life does happen, sometimes you have deadlines, contracts, and things that break down and need replacement so you need to go with the flow here. Just make sure to read the finer print a few times to make sure you understand all the details, ask questions if needed and watch out for your communication! Take time for yourself and work with these energies - don’t fight them, you may cry, feel frustrated, or comfort eat, but pick yourself back up and remember that taking a step forward, a step back is not failure it’s a cha-cha!
Many Mercury Retrograde blessings to you,
Assunta x